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  • Are the estimates free?
    Yes! We offer free estimates with no obligation. Click the button below to schedule an estimate:
  • I want to work for Greenview! How do I join?
    At the moment, we have a high demand of people wanting to work for us so please fill out the job application then we will contact you within 72 hours to discuss the next steps.
  • How do I become a subcontractor for Greenview?
    We're always looking for subcontractors! Please email us your W9 along with your COI. We require all subcontractors to be fully insured and comply with all labor laws.
  • What is infill?
    Infill is the materials spread over the artificial turf during installation to keep blades standing tall and protect your lawn. With real grass, blades are held upright by water and nutrients. Artificial grass mimics this process with synthetic materials. There are many different kinds of infill to choose from, including silica sand, rubber, cork, or Envirofill.
  • Is there a difference between different synthetic turf products?
    Yes, there is a difference in products. When researching products, check if the product meets the minimum standards for development, as determined by the guidelines from the Synthetic Turf Council. There are also many different kinds of turf. Lawns created specifically for residential use have softer and more natural blades, while sports fields utilize different terrain.
  • How long does artificial grass last?
    On average, artificial grass can last 10 to 15 years. Some high-quality artificial lawns can last up to 20 years.
  • How much maintenance and upkeep does an artificial lawn need?
    Artificial lawns are incredibly low-maintenance. You will need to wash it down occasionally with a garden hose, especially if you have pets. You may need to brush it with a broom or a gentle plastic rake to keep it from looking trampled.
  • How hot does an artificial lawn get in the summer?
    An artificial lawn can get hot in the summer, depending on the infill used. The best bet is to use silica granules, which are light-coloured, reflect heat and cool down your yard.
  • How well does artificial turf drain?
    Depending on the infill, artificial grass can drain very well. A reliable contractor like us set up drainage flow during installation.
  • Will mildew or mold form on my artificial lawn?
    Quality synthetic lawn products are porous, so mildew is unlikely. Simple household cleaning products can remedy any problems that may arise.
  • Will weeds ever grow through my artificial lawn?
    Weeds are not typical in an artificial lawn. Some may grow around the border, and there may be a sprout inside the infill. A standard weed killer can be used.
  • Is synthetic grass safe for the environment?
    Yes, an artificial lawn is completely safe for the environment. This product is made using environmental-friendly standards and helps conserve water.
  • Will it reduce pests like bugs and small animals?
    Yes, this product greatly reduces pests. It covers dirt, which prevents insects from getting to their food source. Small animals, like rabbits and groundhogs, can’t eat it, so they go elsewhere.
  • How much does artificial grass cost?
    Since we can work with any property, the price varies based on many factors. For your custom quote, our team of experts will take into account the size, terrain, and type of product. Contact us today to schedule a free turf consultation.
  • How Long Until You Can Drive on New Concrete?
    To allow the concrete ample time to strengthen and harden, we recommend waiting between 10 and 14 days to use concrete driveways on garage floors.
  • Can I Make Concrete Look More Appealing?
    There are many options for upgrading concrete. Add color directly into the concrete mix. Stamp the concrete to look like brick or stone. Stamp the concrete is not only pleasing to the eye it also helps disguise any future flaws form being quite as noticeable.
  • Can I Use Chemical De-icers on Concrete?
    Although concrete is an extremely durable product, the following care and maintenance guidelines will add to the value of your investment: Do not apply deicing chemicals for snow and ice removal during the winter. To provide traction, sand is recommended. If absolutely necessary we suggest using magnesium or potassium-based deicer. They are less damaging to the concrete. However, keeping the snow away by shoveling is the best suggestion.
  • My concrete has oil/grease stains. How can I get rid of them?
    -Commercial products are available in paint/hardware home centers. -Sprinkle with tri-sodium phosphate. Allow to stand for 30 minutes, then scrub with a stiff brush and hot water. Rinse with clean water. -Scrub stain with concentrated detergent using a stiff brush. Rinse well with water. Dry and repeat if necessary. -Sprinkle dishwasher detergent on wet concrete. Let it stand a few minutes, then pour boiling water on the area. Scrub and rinse. -Dissolve a cup tri-sodium phosphate in 1 gallon of hot water. Pour over stained concrete surface and allow soaking for 25 minutes. Scrub with stiff brush or broom. Rinse with clean water. Repeat if necessary.
  • My concrete is cracking after only a short period. Is there something wrong with it and can it be repaired?
    All concrete cracks. It has to crack because it contracts during the drying, curing, hardening process, and the bond between the cement paste and the aggregates is not strong enough to withstand that stress. The best way to prevent unsightly cracking is to put joints in your concrete at regular intervals. A good formula is to measure the depth of your structure and multiply the number by three. Use this number to determine the approximate number of feet between joints. (For example, a 4 inch slab of concrete should have joints every 10 to 12 feet.) Uneven shifting of the substructure or sub grade can also cause cracking. This is a structural failure, as opposed to improper curing or jointing as mentioned above. Before repairing any concrete cracking, determine the source of the cracking and remedy that first. Epoxy grout is an excellent crack repair agent.
  • How do I stain/paint my concrete floor?
    Any paint store will have concrete stain or paint. Discuss how you want the floor to look and what function it will perform with the paint store manager, and he/she should be able to recommend the appropriate stain/paint.
  • I pulled up the carpet (linoleum, tile) and now I have to get rid of the glue so I can stain my concrete. How do I get rid of the glue?
    Unfortunately, this is a question for the flooring people. Determine what type of glue was used, then consult a flooring supplier to find out the "antidote" for that glue (Muriatic acid will not break down the glue). Once you get the glue off, you should be able to stain the concrete as long as the concrete wasn't previously sealed. Check with your local tile contractor for more information.
  • Does concrete gain strength by drying out?
    No. Concrete is made by mixing cement, aggregates and water together. When the water comes in contact with the cement a chemical reaction starts to take place. This chemical reaction is called hydration. Hydration is the reaction between the chemicals in water and the chemicals in cement. This reaction forms new compounds and crystals interlocking themselves and the aggregates together. A majority of this reaction takes place over the first month after placing the concrete. Small amounts of additional reaction and strength gains could take place for years as long as moisture is still present to cause more hydration. Actually, when the concrete does finally dry out, it stops gaining strength.
  • How is concrete measured?
    Concrete is measured by the cubic yard - measuring three feet by three feet by three feet, or 27 cubic feet. One cubic yard of normal concrete will weigh about 4,000 pounds. (Content provided by the Mineral Information Institute, © 2002
  • What is the difference between cement and concrete?
    It's simple. Concrete is used for the finished products, such as sidewalks, foundations, and the surface of many roads. Concrete contains sand, gravel and cement. Cement is the special hardening ingredient (the gray powder) that makes concrete harden. Cement is usually made of 60% lime (limestone), 25% silica, 5% alumina, and 10% other materials, such as gypsum and iron oxide.
  • Are there quality standards for concrete?
    Yes. Concrete must comply with local building codes, ACI, and ASTM.
  • How is the strength of concrete measured?
    Scientists use compression and flexural mechanical strength tests to determine the strength of concrete. The strength of concrete depends to a large degree on the water-cement ratio, and the quality of the aggregates and paste in the cement.
  • What is concrete?
    Concrete consists of a mix of ingredients, including Portland cement, pozzolans, water, coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and additives. Concrete may also contain mineral colors, granulated blast-furnace slag, and blended cements. When fresh, cement can be molded hours after it is produced. Once the initial set time is reached, the concrete continues to gain strength.
  • Is There a Way to Reinforce Concrete?
    The solution is to put reinforced concrete permanently into compression by prestressing it (also called pretensioning). Use rebar for structural reinforcement. Place the rebar vertically and horizontally in 4-foot sections creating a grid pattern. Or using fiber mesh or wire mesh preventing cracks from forming. Fibers are much more lightweight and tend to stay in position better. Fiber mesh tends to be less expensive and requires far less labor to install. By using the rebar and the fiber mesh you build an effective support system to reinforce your concrete project
  • How Does the Weather Affect When Concrete Can Be Poured?
    Concrete that freezes at an early age can lose much of its overall strength. Done properly, concrete poured in cool weather is actually stronger than concrete poured in hot weather, thanks to the slow curing period. When outdoor temperatures are below 20 degrees Fahrenheit, it is best to simply abandon the idea of pouring concrete. Admixers such as water reducers or accelerators can be added to concrete to combat potential issues. With those additions, the only times’ that are not recommended are when it is raining or freezing temperatures.
  • What Kind of Concrete to Use?
    The strength of concrete is measured in pounds per square inch (PSI) and is a measurement of the concrete’s ability to carry loads or handle compression. The higher the number, the stronger the concrete. For example, most contractors use between 3000 PSI and 5000 PSI for residential applications such as driveways and garage floors. That would make the concrete to hold firm underneath more than 3000 to 5000 pounds.
  • Can I Pour Concrete Myself?
    Although it may be tempting to roll up your sleeves, mix up some concrete, and tackle a concrete project yourself to save money, you will likely spend most of your time preparing for the project. From planning a complete and realistic budget to considering help from professional concrete contractors for certain steps of the project to making sure your project is allowed by the local permitting office, there’s a lot to do before you start mixing up that gray matter! Pouring and finishing concrete is hard work, and often the convenience of hiring a contractor outweighs the enticement of a challenge for most homeowners.
  • When can you install sod?
    It depends on the weather pattern for the season as freezing temperatures is our biggest enemy. For the front range, we typically install sod between March-October. Any sooner or later, will increase the chances of the sod dying and the irrigation system freezing. Spring is our busiest time of the year, so some of our customers will start booking their construction project in December that way they're the first one on our schedule in the spring.
  • When is it OK to mow the newly installed sod?
    Sod can be mowed as soon as it needs it; raise the mower blade to its highest setting for the first few mowings. General rule-of-thumb: don’t cut more than one third of the blade to avoid shocking the plant.
  • Which type of sod should I choose?
    Kentucky Bluegrass is dark green in color, uniform in texture, and tolerates full sun to partial shade. Fine Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass mixes are versatile, shade tolerant and drought tolerant, however, because they contain two different species of grasses, the stand is not as uniform in color or texture as 100% Kentucky bluegrass. If you are trying to patch an area of grass or installing next to an existing lawn, the mix may be the sod of choice. Turf Type Tall Fescue is deep rooted, drought and shade tolerant and provides good wear tolerance. When all else fails, just ask us! We’re the sod experts for a reason.
  • Any recommendations for mowing new sod?
    -Maintain sharp mower blades to ensure a clean cut, promote healthy growth, and prevent fungus. -Mow when the grass is dry -Mow often, at a good healthy height of around 2 ½ -3 inches. Mowing at shorter heights will put added stress on the plant and require additional care.
  • Should I bag my clippings or leave them on the lawn after mowing sod?
    “Grasscycling” is good for your lawn! Clippings generally decompose rapidly, returning nitrogen and other valuable nutrients to the soil. However, if clippings are heavy, you may need to rake and remove them.
  • When should I fertilize my lawn?
    We recommend a holiday schedule—Memorial Day, Labor Day, and Halloween.
  • What can I do about dog spots on my lawn?
    Burned or discolored spots are likely due to urine which is a salt solution, and contains ammonia. When foliage is coated, it draws moisture out of the grass, leaving the spot wilted or brown where grass has been killed. Grass around the dead spot will “green up” as the nitrogen in the urine is taken up by healthy roots. In the winter, moisture from the rain and cooler temperatures make it less likely for grass to burn. To minimize damage, immediately sprinkle the area with water to wash the salts off, or set your sprinkler timer to come on after your dog goes out.
  • Which type of grass is good for dogs and around pools?
    We recommend Turf Type Tall Fescue for its durability and deep root system, as well as Kentucky Bluegrass for its qualities listed above.
  • Which type of grass is best for high traffic areas?
    Sports fields predominantly use Kentucky Bluegrass for its recuperative qualities. The rhizome root system grows laterally to repair itself.
  • Which type do you recommend for patching or to blend with surrounding seeded areas?
    Fine Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass is a 50/50 blend of 2 grasses and may be the mix of choice.
  • Which type of grass is best for shady areas?
    Fine Fescue/Kentucky Bluegrass (the “Sun/Shade Mix”), or Turf Type Tall Fescue
  • What types of payment do you accept?
    We accept cash, checks, and wire transfers. We also accept credit cards, Paypal, and Venmo but please keep in mind that a 3% additional fee may apply.
  • Do you offer a payment plan?
    Our standard payment plan is 40% upon signing the contract, 40% when we are at the 50% completion mark then a 20% final payment (Upon completion).
  • Do you offer warranty?
    We do! Please visit our warranty page for additional information.
  • What type of insurance do you have?
    We carry a $1,000,000 general liability and a $1,000,000 automotive warranty along with a few other types of warranty. For the City of Denver, we have a $50,000 Bond (Required). If you would like additional information about our insurance, please contact our sales team.
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